FUZZ-IEEE 2025 solicits proposals for tutorials aimed at researchers, students and practicing professionals. Tutorials will be held on 6 July 2025.


  • November 1, 2024 November 15, 2024: Tutorials proposal deadline
  • December 1, 2024: Proposal notification

Traditionally, tutorials attract a broad range of audiences, including professionals, researchers from academia, students, and practitioners, who wish to enhance their knowledge in the selected tutorial topic. Tutorials offer a unique opportunity to disseminate in-depth information on specific topics in Fuzzy systems, soft computing, & related areas.

Tutorials will be organized by scientists or professionals who have significant expertise in the selected topic and whose recent work has had a significant impact in their field. The format of each tutorial will be up to the organizer(s), but the focus should be on well-organized, systematic presentations of didactic value. Tutorial organizers should prepare various materials including handouts or electronic resources that will be made available for distribution before or during the tutorial. Setting up specific web pages for tutorials by tutorial organizers is highly encouraged. Tutorials will be typically of 1.5 hours duration; proposals for 3 hours, or full-day tutorial will be considered if the justification deems sufficient for the extended presence. The audience size of an average tutorial is expected to be around 25-50.

If you are interested in proposing a tutorial, would like to recommend someone who might be interested, or have questions about tutorials, please contact the Tutorials Co-Chairs: Zsofia Lendek and Guy de Thé.

Please submit proposals by email to When submitting your proposals, please include in your subject line: “FUZZ-IEEE 2025 Tutorial Proposal – “ followed by your tutorial title.


The proposal should be brief and structured as follows:

  • Title of Tutorial
  • Organisers’ names, affiliations, email addresses and links to their webpages
  • A short biography of the organizers
  • Description of the goal of the proposed tutorial (max. 4000 characters)
  • Plan of the session with brief detail of the proposed format (max. 4000 characters)
  • Outline of the covered material (max. 4000 characters)
  • Justification, which should include the potential audience and the timeliness of the given tutorial, proposed duration, as well as the qualifications of the proposer(s).